Biden Finally Admits: Border Not ‘Under Control’ (VIDEO)

President Joe Biden admitted on September 21 that the U.S. border with Mexico has slipped out of control under the watch of pro-migration zealot Alejandro Mayorkas.

The admission came when he answered a reporters’ shouted question: “Mr. President, what is your reaction to the images coming from the southern border?”

“We will get it under control,” Biden replied testily.

Under Mayorkas’s pro-migration policies, the number of migrants has exploded — and threatens to keep rising because Mayorkas is letting about half of the migrants into the United States to take jobs and rentals and to seek U.S. green cards.

In July, for example, 213,500 migrants appeared at the border, not counting people who sneaked across the border. (Read more from “Biden Finally Admits: Border Not ‘Under Control’ (VIDEO)” HERE)

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