WATCH: Pentagon Defends General Milley; Milley Should Spend More Time Studying Treason and Less Time Studying Critical Race Theory; Milley’s Team Defends Alleged ‘Secret’ Calls With China, Concern for Nuke Codes

By Townhall. Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby took the podium Wednesday amid a flurry of accusations about what Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley did under the administration of President Donald Trump and whether his actions constitute treason.

“I certainly can’t speak to the revelations that are coming out in the book” by Bob Woodward and Bob Costa, explained Kirby, directing the reporters to a previously released Pentagon statement.

But in spite of his repeated insistence he wasn’t going to speak to unconfirmed reports from a book the Pentagon hasn’t reviewed yet, Kirby had a lot to say about how normal, appropriate, and unconcerning Chairman Milley’s alleged actions were.

“What I can tell you is that it is not uncommon at all for the Department to continue to review security protocols particularly when it comes to our strategic deterrence capabilities… to make sure that they are still relevant,” said Kirby, who again claimed he was not speaking to the accusation that Milley took steps to prevent Trump from launching a nuclear strike and assured his Chinese counterpart that he would warn of any incoming American strike.

“It’s also completely appropriate — and again I’m not speaking to the validity of things that are in the book — but it is completely appropriate for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff… to want to see those protocols reviewed on whatever frequent basis that he wants to do that.”

(Read more from “Pentagon Defends General Milley” HERE)


Milley Should Spend More Time Studying Treason and Less Time Studying Critical Race Theory

By Washington Examiner. United States Army General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley is either a liar, a traitor, or completely incompetent. Either way, it is becoming clear that he is part of the elitist swamp, inept at his job, and sabotaging U.S. national security interests.

Authors Bob Woodward and Robert Costa write that Milley made secret phone calls to Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army and informed him that he would notify him before the U.S would attack. If true, this is dangerous and should result in Milley losing his job.

It would be an overreaction to call Milley’s actions treasonous because of back-channel communications with a foe. President John F. Kennedy famously had back-channel communications with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The fact that Milley was communicating with Zuocheng is not the problem. The problem is, if Woodward’s accusations are true, Milley went behind the back of the commander in chief and offered to betray the U.S. by warning China of any attack. This would directly endanger the lives of the U.S. soldiers Milley commands. (Read more from “Milley Should Spend More Time Studying Treason and Less Time Studying Critical Race Theory” HERE)


Milley’s Team Defends Alleged ‘Secret’ Calls With China, Concern for Nuke Codes

By Fox News. A spokesperson for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley is defending allegations of “secret” calls with his Chinese counterpart, saying the conversations are “vital” to “reducing tensions” and “avoiding unintended consequences or conflict,” maintaining that the calls were coordinated with high-level defense officials.

“The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs regularly communicates with Chiefs of Defense across the world, including with China and Russia. These conversations remain vital to improving mutual understanding of U.S. national security interests, reducing tensions, providing clarity and avoiding unintended consequences or conflict,” Milley spokesman Col. Dave Butler said in a statement Wednesday.

Butler said that Milley’s calls “with the Chinese and others in October and January were in keeping with these duties and responsibilities conveying reassurance in order to maintain strategic stability.”

“All calls from the Chairman to his counterparts, including those reported, are staffed, coordinated and communicated with the Department of Defense and the interagency,” Butler said.

“Also in keeping with his responsibilities as senior military advisor to the President and Secretary of Defense, General Milley frequently conducts meetings with uniformed leaders across the Services to ensure all leaders are aware of current issues,” Butler continued. “The meeting regarding nuclear weapons protocols was to remind uniformed leaders in the Pentagon of the long-established and robust procedures in light of media reporting on the subject.” (Read more from “Milley’s Team Defends Alleged ‘Secret’ Calls With China, Concern for Nuke Codes” HERE)

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