Pandemic Unemployment Benefits Set to End

As Labor Day weekend comes to a close, so too will expanded unemployment benefits for millions of people across the country.

The pandemic-tethered benefits were extended by the Biden administration in March as part of President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan and Republicans soon began crying foul as more people got vaccinated yet shortages in the labor market increased. The GOP and some economists say that the shortages have worsened because workers have opted to live off the benefits rather than find employment.

The programs that are ending include one that extended the length of regular unemployment benefits, the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program, which covered some 4.2 million self-employed and gig workers who don’t qualify for regular benefits, and supplemental federal benefits that added $300 on to whatever unemployment states were offering.

The $300 payments stacked on top of state benefits made it so that, in some instances, people could receive much more money by being unemployed than they would working at a minimum-wage job. (Read more from “Pandemic Unemployment Benefits Set to End” HERE)

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