Hospital Uses Photo of Vaccine-Fired Nurse to Recruit for Her Replacement
Besides and in addition to any question of legality of the actions, there’s no doubt many Americans feel corporations are abusing their workers if they fire them for failing to comply with COVID-19 mandates.
But one health-care company, Asante, based in southern Oregon, is being trashed online for firing one such worker, and then using her own image in an advertisement seeking a replacement for her.
The report on Facebook comes from Tiana Therrien, who reveals, “I am losing my job due to the vaccine mandate.”
She then reproduces Asante’s ad seeking from the public referrals for “top-notch healthcare professionals.”
The image shows a young woman in a canoe on a lake, with the logo, “Help build our team and get a bonus!” and it’s signed “Asante.” (Read more from “Hospital Uses Photo of Vaccine-Fired Nurse to Recruit for Her Replacement” HERE)
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