‘Severe Concerns’: Scientists Sound Alarm to FDA Concerning COVID Vaccine; Calls for Unvaccinated to Be Isolated Increase (VIDEO)

By WND. As the U.S. Food and Drug Administration discusses administering COVID-19 vaccines to young children, an independent group of Israeli physicians, lawyers, scientists and researchers is advising the FDA of their “severe concerns” regarding the reliability and legality of official Israeli vaccine data.

The Israeli group, the Israeli Professional Ethics Front, said it recognizes the Jewish state has been seen as “the world laboratory” regarding the safety and efficacy of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. . .

“We believe that the significant failures underlying the Israeli database, which have been brought to our attention by numerous testimonies, impair its reliability and legality to such an extent that it should not be used for making any critical decisions regarding the COVID-19 vaccines,” the letter said.

Ahead of a meeting of expert advisers to the FDA scheduled for Tuesday, the agency released a briefing document from Pfizer and its partner BioNTech in which the companies state their data supporting authorization of their COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11.

The letter by the Israeli Professional Ethics Front outlines what it describes as “the main failures” of Israel’s data and reporting. (Read more from “‘Severe Concerns’: Israeli Scientists Sound Alarm to FDA Concerning COVID Vaccine” HERE)


Noam Chomsky: Unvaccinated Should Be ‘Isolated’ From Society

By Breitbart. Famed MIT linguist professor and far-left activist Noam Chomsky believes that while people who refuse vaccines should be forced to inject one, they should still be “isolated” to protect the community.

During an interview with Kurt Gödel, Chomsky said that the topic of vaccine mandates is a “mixed story” that should strike a compromise between individual freedom and community safety, wherein the community forms a “social convention” that pushes the isolation of unvaccinated people:

People who refuse to accept vaccines, I think the right response for them is not to force them to, but rather to insist that they be isolated. If people decide, ‘I am willing to be a danger to the community by refusing to vaccinate,’ they should say then, ‘Well, I also have the decency to isolate myself. I don’t want a vaccine, but I don’t have the right to run around harming people.’ That should be a convention. Enforcing is a different question. It should be understood. And we should try to get it to be understood. If it really reaches the point where they are severely endangering people, then of course you have to do something about it.

For example, Chomsky said that if someone were to refuse the smallpox vaccine and then frequent public places where smallpox could spread, that would be a situation where the community would have to step in and stop that person. Chomsky said that we have not reached that crisis point with the coronavirus pandemic “yet.”

“So I think we should first attempt to establish conventions that will be understandable by people with some moral capacity to try to convince them that it’s your rights to refuse to get a vaccine, but then it is your responsibility to isolate yourself so you don’t harm others,” he concluded.

(Read more from “Noam Chomsky: Unvaccinated Should Be ‘Isolated’ From Society” HERE)

Photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/30478819@N08/50713909053

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