Interesting Timing: China Prepares Test Kits Against Monkeypox, Readies Vaccine
As three European countries have imposed compulsory quarantines for monkeypox patients while Canada and the US reportedly placed orders for millions of doses of vaccines that are used against both smallpox and monkeypox, the Chinese public raised concerns over whether China would face the risk of monkeypox and if the country has preparations to protect people from being infected.
Several Chinese test kit makers reached by the Global Times on Monday said they have developed nucleic acid test kits for monkeypox, which can be quickly put into mass production and on the domestic market once approved by the government.
Meanwhile, experts pointed out that there are no technological problems in developing a vaccine against monkeypox and a rapid special review by China’s drug administration could help the country develop the vaccine in roughly a year.
The monkeypox virus was first identified in humans in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1970. Several weeks after being infected, individuals may experience symptoms including fever, headache, swelling of the lymph nodes, and muscle aches, which are followed several days later by a highly distinctive pustule rash. (Read more from “Interesting Timing: China Prepares Test Kits Against Monkeypox, Readies Vaccine” HERE)
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