The Navy Quietly Reshuffled the Super Bowl Flyover Team to All-Female Aviators
The U.S. Navy pushed out the original team of aviators for the annual Super Bowl flyover, instead replacing them with an all-female group of flyers.
The final roster will feature 11 female pilots and flight officers. Seven of the pilots will perform the opening ceremony. According to the Daily Caller, The purported reason for the sudden change was to more adequately celebrate the 50th anniversary of women being allowed to fly in the Navy’s aviation program.
“The flyover also commemorates 50 years of women flying in the U.S. Navy. In 1973 the first eight women began flight school in Pensacola, Fla., and one year later six of those eight women, titled “The First Six,” earned their Wings of Gold,” a press release regarding the change stated. “Since then, women have served, operated and led at every level of Naval Aviation.”
The original group of 15 officers had three women on the team, and received several angry responses on social media for the lack of diversity in a lineup put together to honor female navy pilots. (Read more from “The Navy Quietly Reshuffled the Super Bowl Flyover Team to All-Female Aviators” HERE)
Photo credit: Flickr
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