Gaming and Porn Causing Young Men’s Testosterone Levels to Plummet, Worldwide

On both sides of the Atlantic, young men’s testosterone levels are tanking, according to studies [leading experts to research why].

Extensive gaming is strongly associated with hyperprolactinemia, a condition that involves higher-than-normal levels of prolactin, the hormone best known for its role in breast tissue growth and milk production, in the bloodstream.

Also, video gaming is, contrary to popular belief, quite stressful. Video game anxiety is a real problem. Anxiety causes stress. In males, stress increases prolactin production. Too much prolactin interferes with testosterone production and affects a man’s ability to maintain an erection.

Similarly, excessive consumption of pornography is associated with lower reproductive hormone levels in men.

Moreover, excessive video gaming and porn use can destroy an individual’s sleep cycle. Impaired sleep is also strongly associated with low testosterone. (Read more from “Gaming and Porn Causing Young Men’s Testosterone Levels to Plummet, Worldwide” HERE)

Photo credit: via Flickr

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