Biden Uses Labor Day Address to Bash Trump: ’The Great Real Estate Builder Didn’t Build a Damn Thing’ (VIDEO)
President Joe Biden used his Labor Day address to attack his predecessor, Donald Trump, by claiming that the famed real estate mogul “didn’t build a damn thing.”
Speaking in the swing state of Pennsylvania — a heavy working-class state — during a Labor Day rally, President Biden said that infrastructure became a “punchline” under Trump.
“Guess what? The great real estate builder, the last guy here, he didn’t build a damn thing,” said Biden. “Under my predecessor, ‘Infrastructure Week’ became a punchline. On my watch, infrastructure means a decade, and it’s a headline.”
Biden even went as far as to say that Trump exported jobs to China, even though the former president took a firm stance against exporting jobs to foreign countries during his presidency, especially during the 2016 campaign against Hillary Clinton. The former president also imposed tariffs on Chinese goods.
“When the last guy was here, you were shipping jobs to China. Now we’re bringing jobs home from China,” Biden claimed. “When the last guy was here, your pensions were at risk. We helped save millions of pensions with your help.” (Read more from “Biden Uses Labor Day Address to Bash Trump: ’The Great Real Estate Builder Didn’t Build a Damn Thing’ (VIDEO)” HERE)
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