Blue City’s Fentanyl Crisis So Bad, Officials Ask All Citizens to Carry NARCAN

A Republican Congresswoman is warning America that the fentanyl crisis – exacerbated by President Biden’s lax border policies and liberal crime policies – has gotten so bad that New York City is now calling on its citizens to carry NARCAN with them at all times to help save people whose lives are threatened by drug overdose.

“This morning our city put out an advisory that the people of the City of New York should carry around NARCAN with them – that’s how bad the fentanyl crisis has gotten,” Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y., said at a press event with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Wednesday – “recommending the citizens of New York walk around with NARCAN.”

NARCAN is the best-known brand for naloxone. NARCAN’s website in its “FAQs” (frequently asked questions) section describes NARCAN this way: “NARCAN Nasal Spray was designed to rapidly reverse the effects of a life-threatening opioid emergency. Is is used to revive someone during an overdose from many prescription pain medications or street drugs such as heroin and is available as an over-the-counter treatment.”

It states: “Naloxone, the active ingredient in NARCAN Nasal Spray, competes with opioids to bind the same receptors in the brain, reversing the effects of an opioid overdose in 2 to 3 minutes. This allows time for emergence medical help to arrive,” answering the question, “How does NARCAN Nasal Spray work?”

(Read more from “Blue City’s Fentanyl Crisis So Bad, Officials Ask All Citizens to Carry NARCAN” HERE)

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