Angry Liberal Who Threatened GOP Poll Greeter Identified As Federal Employee

The Arlington liberal who went viral after losing it on a Republican poll greeter was identified Wednesday as “long-time federal contractor” Brendan Anthony Martin.

Opposition research group Marco Polo exposed Martin’s identity on Twitter using facial recognition tools. Martin allegedly works as a technical administrator for the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ (HHS) foster care system, according to his LinkedIn found by the group.

However, according to the research group, this is not Martin’s first attempt at heckling Republicans.

In 2018, former President Donald Trump hosted a “Celebration of America” event after disinviting the Philadelphia Eagles to the White House. Martin was previously recorded by DailyMail not only attending the event but heckling Trump prior to his speech. (Read more from “Angry Liberal Who Threatened GOP Poll Greeter Identified As Federal Employee” HERE)

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