‘Brace Yourself, Dear Reader’: Mike Johnson ‘Bombshell’ Rocks Political World

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson, who has publicly affirmed his Christian faith and the fact it influences his life, has been a target for scandal-hunting leftists ever since his election just weeks ago.

And Rolling Stone now has succeeded in finding … well, something.

Its bombshell confirms that Johnson doesn’t watch porn.

A report at RedState.com turned sarcastic from the first word, documenting the “bombshell,” with, “Brace yourself, dear reader. Rolling Stone magazine has published a bombshell report exposing newly-minted House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-LA., for – not watching pornography.

“That’s right, folks. In this latest episode of ‘Let’s Get Outraged Over Silliness,’ the alleged news outlet published a piece detailing how he and his son keep each other accountable for the material they view on the internet.”

(Read more from “‘Brace Yourself, Dear Reader’: Mike Johnson ‘Bombshell’ Rocks Political World” HERE)

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