Biden Has Dangerously Decayed Deterrence — And Every American Is at Risk

As Americans rang in the new year, regimes hostile to the United States made clear just how much President Biden has let US deterrence decay.

In his end-of-year press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterated his commitment to subjugating Ukraine in his effort to rebuild the Soviet Union — emphasizing, “The level of our ties with China is at an all-time high.”

North Korea’s Chairman Kim Jong Un laid out his plan to accelerate nuclear-weapons production in 2024, saying conflicts elsewhere compelled his nation to “sharpen the treasured sword.”

And amid Iran’s multifront attacks on the Jewish state, the ayatollah’s officials declared America “will not be spared” if Israel’s campaign to eliminate Hamas continues — and we’ll be “faced with extraordinary problems” if we oppose Houthi disruption of commercial shipping in the Red Sea. . .

Kim had stopped long-range-missile testing, Iran was isolated and weak, and the Trump administration’s model of deterrence kept Putin’s Ukraine ambitions at bay. (Read more from “Biden Has Dangerously Decayed Deterrence — And Every American Is at Risk” HERE)

Photo credit: Flickr

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