Growing Skepticism: Nearly 40% of Americans Question Legitimacy of Biden’s Presidency

A recent poll conducted by the Washington Post and the University of Wisconsin in 2023 has unveiled a concerning trend, with nearly 40% of Americans expressing doubts about the legitimacy of President Joe Biden’s presidency. The survey, which compared sentiments to its 2022 edition, indicated a notable increase in concerns across party lines.

According to the National Pulse, the poll reported a significant drop in belief in Biden’s legitimacy, with just over 60% of adult Americans considering him the legitimate president in 2023, down from nearly 70% in 2022. Among Republicans, the decline was even more pronounced, with belief in the legitimacy of the 2020 election and Biden’s victory dropping from 40% to just over 30%. Democrats also showed increased skepticism, with almost 10% stating Biden is illegitimate in 2023 compared to roughly 5% in 2022. Independent-leaning respondents mirrored the trend, with only 66% believing in Biden’s legitimacy in 2023, down from 72% in 2022.

Of particular concern is the erosion of support among young Americans, with polling data revealing that they are less likely to believe Biden is a legitimate president compared to older demographics. This growing skepticism comes as Democrats intensify efforts to remove former President Donald Trump from the 2024 primary and general election ballots over accusations related to the events of January 6, 2021.

Another survey from 2023, conducted by Center Square and Noble Predictive Insights (NPI), further reflected negative perceptions of Biden’s leadership. The poll, sampling 2,500 registered voters, indicated that 49% of respondents view Biden as not being a strong leader. Additionally, 49% believe he lacks the judgment to serve effectively, while 47% consider him untrustworthy. A majority (66%) expressed the belief that the country is heading in the wrong direction under Biden’s leadership, and 54% disapprove of the job he is doing.

NPI CEO Mike Noble highlighted the bipartisan nature of dissatisfaction, emphasizing that Biden’s ratings are underwater with both older and younger voters. The 2024 elections may witness a reliance on voters leaning Democratic and independent, as Biden faces significant challenges in gaining approval across party lines. Another survey by National Public Radio (NPR) and Marist College conducted in August 2022 found that 52% of respondents disapproved of Biden’s performance, with disapproval more pronounced along party lines.

Photo credit: Flickr

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