Sword-Wielding Chinese Soldiers Seize Filipino Ship in Its Own Waters, Forcing Bare-Handed Brawl

The Chinese Communist regime admitted on Wednesday that it used force to board Filipino ships and force them out of the Philippines’ territorial waters, an act of piracy the Chinese touted as a “police action” because the Filipinos entered an area illegally claimed by China.

The Philippine military said its forces used their “bare hands” to fend off Chinese “barbarians” and demanded China pay damages for its conduct during the incident.

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) posted video and photos of the encounter on Wednesday night, showing Chinese personnel attacking their rigid-hulled inflatable boats (RHIBs) with knives, axes, and poles.

(Read more from “Sword-Wielding Chinese Soldiers Seize Filipino Ship in Its Own Waters, Forcing Bare-Handed Brawl” HERE)