Listen to the Eerie ‘Sound’ From a Black Hole, Captured by NASA (VIDEO)

NASA created a haunting audio clip of sound waves rippling out of a supermassive black hole, located 250 million light-years away.

The black hole is at the center of the Perseus cluster of galaxies, and the acoustic waves coming from it have been transposed up 57 and 58 octaves so they’re audible to human hearing.

The result (below), released by NASA in 2022, is a sort of unearthly (obviously) howling that, if we’re honest, sounds not only spooky, but a little bit angry. . .

In 2003, astronomers detected something truly astonishing: acoustic waves propagating through the copious amounts of gas surrounding the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Perseus galaxy cluster, which is now renowned for its eerie wails.

But this recent sonification has not only brought the recording up a whole lot of octaves, they’ve also added to the notes detected from the black hole, so we can get a sense of what they would sound like, ringing through intergalactic space.

(Read more from “Listen to the Eerie ‘Sound’ From a Black Hole, Captured by NASA (VIDEO)” HERE)