Video: National Review’s Lowry destroys Rachel Maddow on Meet the Press
Watch this video to see National Review’s Rich Lowry destroy Rachel Maddow on Meet the Press. He backed her into a corner and wouldn’t let up.
Here’s the transcript the Lowry vs. Maddow exchange:
LOWRY: Do you support $700 billion in cuts in Medicare over the next 10 years?
MADDOW: I’m not running for president.
LOWRY: Do you?
MADDOW: I’m not running for anything. Paul Ryan is running for vice president.
LOWRY: Do you? Why can’t you answer? See, you can’t answer.
MADDOW: But wait, I’m not running for anything.
LOWRY: This is the key vulnerability. Democrats have cut $700 billion out of Medicare which you won’t or can’t defend it. Defend it.
MADDOW: Is it good or bad?
LOWRY: Do you support it? You can’t answer.
MADDOW: But wait. Why are you asking me?
LOWRY: You can’t answer. Because you’re an opinion maker who is supposed to give us your opinion. But you will not tell us what your opinion is?
MADDOW: What I want to know is the logic of . . .
LOWRY: Democrats cannot defend that.
MADDOW: Wait. I want to know is the logic . . .
LOWRY: Go ahead. Defend it.
MADDOW: What I want to know is the logic . . .
LOWRY: [Laughter]
MADDOW: Wait. Rich, hold on.
LOWRY: Answer me. You’re not answering.
MADDOW: Can I say something?
LOWRY: Can you answer?
Photo credit: Paul Schultz