Iran Has Obama in a Headlock

Photo credit: indigoprime

Iran’s Armageddon cult now has Obama at its mercy. After appeasing the sadistic regime in Tehran for almost four years Obama only has to make it through the next two months without the Middle East blowing up, and he’s set for life. This is the last electoral test of his career, and maybe also the first real election he’s ever had to endure.

Obama’s political bind puts the mullahs in charge for the next two months, rushing to an irreversible grab for nuclear weapons. Obama will not do anything to stop them, because that would mean taking a career risk. He has never taken a risk that might endanger his political career. Never.

As a result, the United States has all the capability for destroying Iranian nuclear weapons before they break out, but we won’t use our might, because Obama cares about himself more than the safety of the world. Israel is a pawn in this game, but the real stakes are the Muslim Ascendancy — world power for the rising nuclear caliphates of the Muslim Middle East: Egypt, Turkey and Iran.

Israel is the scapegoat for a rising great power struggle, in which the left has taken sides against civilization. If that seems harsh, read Paul Johnson’s life of Winston Churchill or Niall Ferguson’s fine book Civilization: The West and the Rest — and you see it happening again, right in front of our eyes. The Russians, the Muslims and the Chinese read history. Liberals don’t read history, because they prefer to live in delusion. It’s a choice.

I once played a chess game with an Israeli military guy, who only used his pawns to beat me in a dozen moves. I’m a middling chess player, and he put me in a Zugzwang, a double bind, where I could not use my strong pieces, the queen, bishops and knights. It was clever and fast. He had counted all the pawn moves and I was caught unawares. The mullahs practice chess moves on each other, with real human lives at stake. They are not “spiritual leaders” — they are medieval Popes, bloody-handed thug politicians who kill in the name of God.

Read more from this story HERE.