Senator McCain Meets Ukrainian Protest Leaders Amid Rival Rallies



U.S. Senator John McCain met Ukrainian opposition leaders in Kiev on Saturday and voiced support for protesters camped out for weeks in the capital, a move sure to anger Moscow for what it sees as Western meddling in its backyard.

The street protests started after the November 21 decision by President Viktor Yanukovich – seeking the best possible deal for Ukraine to stave off bankruptcy – to walk away from a trade pact with Europe at the last minute and seek closer ties with its old Soviet master.

The movement has since grown in size and vehemence, bringing tens of thousands onto the streets in a series of rallies, becoming an all-out protest against the president and his cabinet.

McCain is the latest of a string of European and American dignitaries to tour the sprawling protest camp set up behind tall barricades – prompting Russia to accuse the West of excessive involvement.

McCain was due to be joined by the chairman of the Senate’s Europe subcommittee, Chris Murphy, on Sunday.

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