CA Gay Woman Who Donated $20 to Fundraiser for Indiana Pizzeria That Won’t Cater Same-Sex Marriages Urges ‘Tolerance’

LesScore one for tolerance, and a big zero for bigotry.

A Southern California gay woman taught a lesson in tolerance to progressives and conservatives alike when she donated $20 to the GoFundMe page for the Indiana Pizzeria that won’t cater same-sex marriages.

On her donation to Memories Pizza, Courtney Hoffman wrote:

“As a member of the gay community, I would like to apologize for the mean spirited attacks on you and your business. I know many gay individuals who fully support your right to stand up for your beliefs and run your business according to those beliefs. We are outraged at the level of hate and intolerance that has been directed at you and I sincerely hope that you are able to rebuild.”

The pizzeria became a lightning rod in the fight over the Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act that made it lawful for anti-LGBT businesses to discriminate against gays. Owner Crystal O’Connor told a local TV station her family wouldn’t cater a same sex marriage. Her remarks set off so many online threats, she said she was forced to close shop. (Read more from “CA Gay Woman Who Donated $20 to Fundraiser for Indiana Pizzeria That Won’t Cater Same-Sex Marriages Urges ‘Tolerance'” HERE)

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