Web Comedy Series Wants to ‘Normalize’ Abortion by Making It Funny

. . .The “abortion comedy” comes from Roni Geva and Margaret Katch. The 7-part narrative using real women’s stories plays out at the same clinic . . .

“When we had our abortions, we looked to the media for stories to relate to and found a whole lot of nothing,” the show’s Facebook page says. “So we decided to change the narrative.” . . .

This comedy series on a macabre topic came about after Geva looked back on how “judgey” she once was toward a woman who had had many abortions. That reasoning only makes sense if you, like progressives, also believe that judging people is one of the seven deadly sins. (Read more from “Web Comedy Series Wants to ‘Normalize’ Abortion by Making It Funny” HERE)

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