Judge Barrett Wrecks Kamala Harris Under SCOTUS Questioning; Barrett Countered Leading Dems’ Attempts to Paint Her as Right-Wing Extremist With Poise; Kamala Harris Needs Teleprompter During Senate SCOTUS Hearing (VIDEO)
Judge Barrett Wrecks Kamala Harris Under SCOTUS Questioning
By Townhall. It’s been a long day on Capitol Hill but Democrat vice presidential nominee and Senator Kamala Harris finally got her turn to go after Judge Amy Coney Barrett during Supreme Court confirmation hearings Tuesday.
Throughout her 30 minutes of allotted time, Harris was demolished after asking a series of leading and accusatory questions.
Judge #AmyConeyBarrett completely ran circles around Kamala Harris.#ConfirmACB
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 13, 2020
After taking questions for ~10 hours, ACB just easily dispatched with… whatever it was that Kamala Harris was trying to do there.
— JERRY DUNLEAVY (@JerryDunleavy) October 13, 2020
How is this helping Kamala? Amy has no notes and is swatting the questions out of the park, Kamala – the great former prosecutor – can’t even get thru the questions without her binder.
— Andy McCarthy (@AndrewCMcCarthy) October 13, 2020
If Senator Harris is going to demand Judge Barrett to recuse herself from an election case due to some kind of conflict of interest, considering she is the Democrat vice presidential candidate, Harris should recuse herself from questioning Judge Barrett
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) October 13, 2020
Harris just said that the GOP is rushing the confirmation because it needs "just one more vote" to strike down the ACT and "this is happening." It is not happening. The ACA case concerns severability and at least two conservatives already support severability in such cases.
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) October 13, 2020
I'd never begrudge anyone for the COVID precautions they choose to take, but it is interesting that Kamala Harris is calling in remotely from about 30 feet away in her Senate office when this would undoubtedly be more powerful in person.
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) October 13, 2020
(Read more from “Judge Barrett Wrecks Kamala Harris Under SCOTUS Questioning” HERE)
Amy Coney Barrett Faces Pressure During Hearing, Responds With Grace and Poise, Experts Say
By Fox News. Amy Coney Barrett withstood hours of questioning Tuesday with poise, civility, and at times, moments of humanity – countering the portrait of a right-wing extremist that Democrats have attempted to paint of President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, experts argued.
Jeffrey McCall, professor of communication at DePauw University, said Barrett’s professional responses and pleasant demeanor have undercut the narrative pushed by Democrats that she is threatening or radical.
“Judge Barrett has had a most impressive day,” McCall told Fox News. “It is clear she is bright and sincere. Her poise and pleasant personality make her a natural for the television cameras, which will also make it increasingly difficult for her opponents on the committee to trash her without themselves coming off as uncivil.”
Barrett, 48, responded to scholarly legal questions with ease and did so without hesitation. She didn’t bring any files to the hearing and at one point held up a blank pad of paper to reveal that she didn’t take any notes at all.
Through hours of answers, the even-keeled Barrett sought to reassure senators and the American public that she would dispatch justice fairly and independently and she’d come to each case without any political agenda. (Read more from “Amy Coney Barrett Faces Pressure During Hearing, Responds With Grace and Poise, Experts Say” HERE)
WATCH: Kamala Harris Needs Teleprompter During Senate SCOTUS Hearing
By The Conservative Tree House. Senator Kamala Harris chose to remain in her office just down the hall from the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing today. Oddly during her segment to deliver prepared remarks she relied on a teleprompter for the broadcast. Senator Harris does not use a teleprompter well, and the effort was transparent. WATCH:
This is an example of how/why the DNC club control agents are pressuring for virtual debates. Everything about the Harris-Biden ticket is a Potemkin village; both candidates are avatars, puppets, for the big club control agents behind the curtain. (Read more from “WATCH: Kamala Harris Needs Teleprompter During Senate SCOTUS Hearing” HERE)
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