No, NYT, the Difference Between Abortion and a Miscarriage Is Not the Mother’s Feelings

There’s been an awful lot of talk about miscarriage in the wake of a Supreme Court ruling that had nothing to do with it.

As the pro-abortion left clings to its movement in a post-Roe world, two law professors have taken to the New York Times opinion section to ask, “Why Do We Talk About Miscarriage Differently From Abortion?”

It’s an absurd question on its face, with the obvious rejoinder being that we talk differently about miscarriage and abortion for the same reason we talk differently about aneurysms and first-degree murder, consensual sex and rape, or salaried employment and slavery.

But false equivalencies aside, the writers’ answer to the question is worth exploring because it illuminates how abortion proponents think about women, the tragedy of miscarriage, the realities of abortion, and the value — or not — of human life. . .

They begin with a false premise, which they never support except with tired and debunked talking points about mifepristone, that abortion and miscarriage are commensurate. “The line between abortion and pregnancy loss has always been blurry,” write Greer Donley and Jill Wieber Lens, later adding: “Pregnancy loss and abortion have more in common than many people realize. The physical experiences are often virtually identical.” (Read more from “No, NYT, the Difference Between Abortion and a Miscarriage Is Not the Mother’s Feelings” HERE)

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