Visions of ‘Justice’: Ukraine Wants Tanks in Moscow, Estonia Talks ‘Nuremberg Trials’ for Russian Leaders

Thoughts are turning to the end of the Ukraine war in some European capitals and how “justice” is to be meted out to Russian leaders, with suggestions from top political figures in recent days ranging from war crimes trials to Ukrainian tanks parked in Moscow’s Red Square.

Military ambitions for how to end Russia’s invasion of Ukraine took a considerable leap forward this week with comments attributed to Ukraine’s National Security and Defence Council Secretary Oleksiy Danilov who spoke of “justice” in the form of troops marching on Moscow.

The remarkable comments from Danilov were reported in the British high-circulation tabloid The Sun, which claimed an interview with the Ukranian politician and relayed him as saying: “Our tanks will be on Red Square and that will be justice. . .

Whether Danilov was articulating actual Ukrainian policy to push the front line 300 miles back to Moscow, or if he was speaking metaphorically, or exaggerating for effect is not made clear in the Sun report. Breitbart News has approached the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for clarification.

Should Kyiv envision a march on the river Moskva or not, a NATO member state prime minister has certainly called for post-war repercussions for Russia’s present leaders this week. Speaking at the Munich Security Conference Estonia’s Kaja Kallas said Moscow must be held to account and discussed changes for the Russian people, which could imply a Western occupation of Russia, or at the very least the end of the Russian state as we now know it. (Read more from “Visions of ‘Justice’: Ukraine Wants Tanks in Moscow, Estonia Talks ‘Nuremberg Trials’ for Russian Leaders” HERE)

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