Cuba Says It Busted Russian Op to Recruit for War in Ukraine; Not Everyone Is Convinced

Cuba‘s government claims to have uncovered a Russian operation to enlist its citizens to fight in the war in Ukraine, but not everyone is convinced Havana is being honest.

A release from the Caribbean nation said criminal proceedings are underway in an effort to dismantle the human trafficking network for military recruiting purposes.

The announcement from the country’s Foreign Ministry said the operation targeted Cuban citizens living in Russia as well as in Cuba.

“Cuba plays no role in the war in Ukraine,” the statement said, according to NPR.

“It is acting and will act vigorously against whoever, from the national territory, participates in any form of human trafficking for the purposes of recruitment of mercenaries so that Cuban citizens use weapons against any country,” it added. (Read more from “Cuba Says It Busted Russian Op to Recruit for War in Ukraine; Not Everyone Is Convinced” HERE)

Photo credit: Flickr

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