Gloria Allred’s October Romney Surprise Revealed?

The online publication Alternet has revealed that Gloria Allred’s potential “October Surprise” may be a woman named Carrel Sheldon in 1983 who was counseled by her young Mormon Bishop, Mitt Romney, to not have an abortion even though her doctor said it was medically necessary:

Sheldon, a mother of four at the time (a fifth child had died as an infant), was then a practicing member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), outside of Boston. The LDS leader in Massachusetts at that time, called the “stake president,” was a Harvard-trained physician, Dr. Gordon Williams, and he counseled Sheldon to follow her doctor’s advice to terminate the pregnancy and protect her own life, so that she could continue caring for her four living children.

“Of course, you should have the abortion,” she recalled him saying.

According to an account later written anonymously by Sheldon for the LDS women’s journal,Exponent II, it was after receiving this counsel from her [stake president Doctor] Williams supporting the potentially life-saving procedure that she experienced an uninvited visit in her hospital from her Mormon bishop at the time, 36-year-old Mitt Romney, who adamantly opposed the abortion.

“He regaled me with stories of his sister and her retarded child and what a blessing the child had been to the family,” Sheldon wrote of the incident. “He told me that ‘as your bishop, my concern is with the child.'”

Read more from the story HERE. Ms. Sheldon had the abortion anyway but became disenchanted with LDS. Ultimately, she left Mormonism, claiming that Mitt Romney’s response to her situation convinced her to do so.

Unfortunately for Allred, Obama and their allies, this “revelation” is unlikely to have the desired effect on the outcome of the November election.