New Polling Shows Shakeup in Presidential Race

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump now tops Democratic rival Hillary Clinton nationally, according to a new poll.

The Rasmussen survey released Thursday has the GOP nominee taking 40 percent of the vote to Clinton’s 39 percent, a 5-point swing since last week.

Meanwhile, Libertarian Gary Johnson garners 7 percent and Green Party nominee Jill Stein takes 3 percent.

The same poll last week showed Clinton ahead 42 to 38 percent, The Hill reported.

The poll’s results mirror several recent ones that have had Trump gaining ground and in some cases overtaking his rival.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday had the two candidates in a virtual tie: 39.7 to 39.1 percent.

That same polling outfit had Clinton up by 12 points in a survey released on Aug. 22.

The change of fortunes can likely be traced to new revelations about the former secretary of state’s email server and the Clinton Foundation, as well as a pivot in the Trump campaign.

Americans learned last week that Clinton never turned over nearly 15,000 work-related emails, despite claiming multiple times during the past year that she had returned them all.

This week the public found out that some of those emails address Benghazi, Libya. All of Clinton’s emails regarding that topic have been subject to congressional subpoena since 2013.

Other emails released last week from Clinton aide Huma Abedin show instances of top donors to the Clinton Foundation obtaining favors or preferential treatment from the State Department.

An ABC News/Washington Post poll published on Thursday found Clinton’s unfavorability rating among registered voters reaching an all-time high of 59 percent.

“Notably, Clinton’s popularity among women has flipped from 54-43 percent favorable-unfavorable last month to 45-52 percent now; it’s the first time in a year that most women have viewed her unfavorably,” according to ABC News.

“[A]mong nonwhites she’s fallen from 73 to 62 percent favorable, largely due to a 16-point drop, to 55 percent, among Hispanics,” the outlet added.

Trump also remains unpopular, with 60 percent of registered voters disapproving. He has slipped 6 percent with men, but gained 7 points with women. That perhaps can be traced to his more measured rhetoric and minority outreach, which he has adopted since naming Kellyanne Conway as his campaign manager in mid-August. (For more from the author of “New Polling Shows Shakeup in Presidential Race” please click HERE)

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