Biden Admin To Spend $950M on Border Wall Repairs, Upgrades After Campaign Promise to Not Build ‘Another Foot’

President Biden famously promised not to build “another foot” of border wall during his presidency, but he’s willing to spend $950 million on upkeep of the existing infrastructure.

The Biden administration — which reversed course last month and announced it will build a new section of wall in Texas — allocated the money to repair and upgrade existing border walls in the Lone Star State, California and Arizona, according to a court filing.

Customs and Border Protection reported that four separate contracts have been awarded for “remediation work and system attribute installation” at sites in Tucson, San Diego, El Paso and El Centro.

The work will include the installation of cameras, new roads and “detection technology” that will make the barriers more effective in stemming the flow of illegal immigrants, documents state.

Remediation work will fill in border gaps, install gates, fix nearby patrol roads and address erosion and drainage issues in the immediate areas. (Read more from “Biden Admin To Spend $950M on Border Wall Repairs, Upgrades After Campaign Promise to Not Build ‘Another Foot’” HERE)

Photo credit: Flickr

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